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Going to take a chopper PPL checkride soon. The flying will be fine, but I'm a bit dicey on the oral stuff.
Without looking at my notes or googling anything, I'm going to rattle off things I've had trouble with. Feel free to correct me if I get something wrong
>VFR cloud separation
500 below, 1000 above, 2000 vertical, 3 miles vis under 10,000
1000 above and below, 1 mile separation, 5 miles vis above 10,000
1/2 mile visibility and clear of clouds in uncontrolled airspace
>Translating tendency
Chopper wants to drift right due to tail rotor thrust/torque effect
>Torque effect
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction, since rotors turn to the left helicopter wants to spin to the right
>Transverse flow
Airflow is increased in rear of rotor disc causing a decreased angle of attack
>Translational lift
Increased lift due to increased airflow over the rotors, occurs at 15 KIAS
>Retreating blade stall
Retreating blade of rotor is accelerated to the point where it no longer generates lift
>Bernoulli's Principle
Decreased air pressure results in increased speed of air flow, resulting in lift
>O2 requirements
Required for pilots at 12,000 feet density altitude for durations longer than 30 minutes, everyone above 14,000
>Passenger briefing
Tell the passenger when to wear seatbelts, what the safety features of the aircraft are, not to smoke near the aircraft
>Requirements to enter class D airspace
Contact with tower
>Class C
Contact with tower, working transponder
>Class B
Contact with tower, called by tail number, working transponder
>Class A
A better helicopter (Also, IFR clearance)
>Altitude to fly above parks/nature preserves/etc
2,000 ASL
>How to calculate density altitude
Pressure altitude corrected for temperature... I think. Fuck.