i cant help but think sometimes that there should be some sort of license or test to people who plan on commuting by bike (talking about adults on 26"+ wheels) since there's just so many fucking slugs and slobs around here that don't even know the name of the thing they're riding to and from work and do so at 12mph (on lucky days)
it's honestly frustating since that's the image that comes into people mind when i say biking i my main form of transportation, they imagine me all upright grinding on a heavy ass walmart mtb slowing traffic like the old farts and leglets do all the time (no surprise, it's widely accepted to get off the saddle and walk uphills)
but of course that's more of rage thinking than actual logic on my part, you see, how effective would such thing be really? for 90% of people who commute on bike the bike is just these cranks that move wheels and nothing else, more of a incovenient laborous cheap alternative to wasting fuel than an actual thing they care and looking foward on (your average bike commuter is probably riding in all sorts of horrendous bike fit mostly because he dosen't know how to adjust and set things on his bike), otherwise there wouldn't be so many old fucking faggots on all rusted steel bikes making noise coming back from his shitty factory work or bocce session (and i say this as someone living in a third world shithole with barbaric cagers)
>>1252350>So, a cyclist riding at 10-12 mph on a 35mph road (on which the traffic is probably doing about 40) is disobeying the law and endangering himself.i agree on that, cyclists uncapable of sustaining higher speeds shouldn't be allowed to use certain roads, but again, how would you enforce it? issuing a big stick on people's bike reading "is ok i go fast" or "be patient"?