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I'm looking into getting back into mountain biking, but I don't really know what I should be looking for. I've been riding bicycles since I was 4 or 5, and riding motorcycles for about 5 years, 5'8, 30 inch inseam. I have wrenching experience so old bikes are no issue. If I could take a dirt bike where I want to ride, of be ripping around an old 80 to 125cc two stroke, but I have no idea how to translate that to bicycles.
I live in NYC in the Bronx, tons of hills everywhere. I'm looking for something than can take a trashing and doesn't have expensive parts. It should be fairly light as far as bikes go. And I guess that's pretty much it? Gearing for the steep hills is a must.
Any recommendations? Wisdom? Advice? Anything would be great.