>>1456407>a) effective climate action better to make energy CHEAP so that coastal residents can relocate with less money and adapt to INEVITABLY changing circumstances.. western reductions of C02 can only slow down climate change (by their own models) by 25 percent so it wont make a difference anyway
note that the cost of damages from climate change, according the the UN's own numbers, are roughly equal to the cost of regulation:
https://scotthorton.org/interviews/6-14-19-bob-murphy-on-the-economics-of-climate-change/>even according to the science cited by the UN and the Obama administration, the economic costs of the proposed plans to slow down global warming would be wildly more expensive than the costs associated with the warming itself. The more reasonable plans, like a modest carbon tax, on the other hand, would allow for up to 3.5 degrees celsius of warming, which is much more than most of the scientists think is tolerable. Most activists don’t want to address any of these economic questions because it’s highly inconvenient for their narrative.>b) returning government to working for the people, not the elites. Impossible, because bribery can always be done through indirect means with plausible deniability and if you make financially supporting political candidates harder that will only make it easier for those that can afford indirect means of persuasion (ultra elites.) FURTHREMORE SOCIAL MEDIA HAS MADE MONETARY BRIBES RELATING TO ACTUAL VOTES MUCH LESS RELEVENT AS ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS GET ON A POPULAR YOUTUBE CHANNEL TO DRUM UP SUPPORT IN ELECTIONS! FURTHERMORE THIS ACTUALL FUCKING MEANS THAT COMPANIES LIKE FUCKING GOOGLE AND FACEBOOK HAVE THE MOST FUCKING INFLUENCE DESPITE NEVER HAVING TO FUCKING DONATE A FUCKIGN DIME TO THE POLITICIAN FUCKING DIRECTLY! GOOD FUCKING LUCK WITH THAT!