>>1016648Transit planning in Toronto seems absolutely fucked, jesus christ. Your city is grid based and radiates 180 degrees away from the lake. Why you didn't take the Chicago style approach to rapid transit I will never know.
Also I love how the DLR is planned to be built AFTER the suburban LRT projects that will increase strain on line 1. They're lengthening line 1, which will increase ridership, and they're building Finch West which will add even more riders.
What a joke. Also what the fuck is up with line 4? What a colossal waste of money, and they aren't even planning on connecting it to the west side of Line 1.
>>1016656The yellow line was built specifically for the expo 67 which took place on Ile-Notre-Dame and Ile-Saint-Helene. Its where the Montreal Grand Prix and our Six Flags resort is. Also basically all of Montreals music festivals like Osheaga, Ile Soniq and Heavy MTL take place on the island. Its extremely useful because its really easy for people to get to the islands without using cars. And the metro is used beyond capacity when the festivals are in town, so making it a branch of the orange line would be disastrous.
The most logical use of the yellow line would be a relief line for the orange line that is at capacity at rush hour between Jean-Talon and Berri-UQAM. pic related some possible ROWs.