>Shift from fossil fuels top of agenda for Paris air show, industry having lagged behind other sectors>Faced with growing calls for action on the climate crisis, aerospace companies gathering for the Paris air show next week are turning their thoughts to a future run on electricity rather than fossil fuels.>The scale of the challenge is considerable. The target for net zero carbon emissions by 2050, recommended by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and embraced by the UK this week, coincides with the expectation that the number of flights will double in the next 20 years.https://www.theguardian.com/business/2019/jun/15/climate-crisis-aviation-industry-hears-clamour-for-electric-planesA lot of /n/erds and /o/tists say we're a long way out from electric commercial aircraft, but is that just because of a lack of R&D spending?
I think electric aircraft are worth the investment, mainly because you just spend less on fuel. That's why airlines want them for puddle jumpers; a short flight on an aircraft wastes an insane amount of fuel.