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Sadly retards and fat lazy fucks still can't be arsed to walk/cycle to the shop to get their pringles and cigarettes, so we're in this weird phase where the car really is over as personal transport, it's dead, but waiting for the braindead to catch up with reality is a painfully slow process. The point is in 10 years cars will be obsolete as far as being mass personal transit, there will be cars, mostly autonomous plastic electric garbage cars restricted to long journeys and multiple passengers only, a few rich fags will still be able to afford gas guzzling V8's, but even they won't be allowed in city and town centres, and the roads will belong to actual personal transport, ie bikes, scooters etc that are designed to carry one person and a little personal luggage without setting fire to the biosphere.
I'm personally enjoying this transitional period, I love hearing normies whine about fuel costs and the prices of insurance, it really cheers me up when I beat knuckleheads in their cages heading through town during the rush hour, I love the fact that I am not too lazy/unfit to cycle whenever I need to get myself across town, or to the shop or wherever else.
And let's be honest, when you see a single human in a car we know we're looking at a retard, we know that anyone who fires up an internal combustion engine inside a 3/4 ton metal box in order to get themselves to the drive through and back is a complete waste of oxygen, and they know that we know.
In a decade though it'll be all ours, clean air, no noise, no road rage, no fat lazy pieces of shit shitting up the environment.