>>1109942It's a little different than that. Admittedly, their job call process sucks (If you're a C Book, you have to wait for a job to go all-ports at least twice before you get a shot at it), but right now they are seriously hurting for crew, to the point that the SIU patrolman in Houston was going to TMA to see if any of the cadets there wanted to work as an AB over the summer. Loads of jobs on the board. The hotel thing is legit the way to go, though. One of the biggest advantages of this industry is how you can live wherever you want and still get work.
Going to Piney Point doesn't really give you a leg up; a guy who got his AB through their apprentice program would still have a C-Book just like you. The main benefit is the quality of training, and how it lets you try out all three departments so you can make an educated choice in where you want to work. Piney Point is also where you go to get further certification/training once you're an SIU member.
The last thing is whatever you do, do NOT go to their Jacksonville hall. They're a bunch of twofaced backstabbing fucks there, to the point that even other SIU members can see how shady they are. There are plenty of stories of all the stupid shit they'll do to get a job over one another.
>t. MEBA mate who spent hours comparing unions with his watch partner during a voyage