>>1066466A second line is planned from Kaigaten to Fyllingsdalen. It will be 10.8km long with 10 stations, estimated at 6.2 billion kroner.
Route alignment:
>Kaigaten, will be a temporary stop/third track right across the intersection from the existing Byparken stop. >It will utilize the existing track through Sentrum, and beyond the Nonneseter stop it branches off along the eastern coast of Store Lungegårdsvannet.>A tunnel/underground station is planned for Haukeland Sykehus.>Another connection (perpendicular) with first line will be at Kronstad. >Two sets of tunnels beyond Kristianborg. One tunnel will carry the bybanen, the second will carry a mixed-use path and act as an escape route. They will be 3km long.>A tunnel between Fyllingsdalen Terminal and Spelhaugen.(In Norwegian):