>>1252112I was in a plane crash. We lost engine power and the pilot glided but the problem was we were in the mountains so no place to really put it down that was level. I don't remember the moments leading to crash, only some alarms before. After the crash I woke up and I started immediately feeling a stabbing pain in my stomach. It hurt me so bad I couldn't move. The pilot dragged me out. I layed on the ground. It remember looking at the strands of grass, my face was planted to the ground I couldn't move. This other girl was screaming and I saw a lady that lived in a house nearby bring her a blanket.
I was transported to a nearby hospital and got really lucky and there was a decent surgeon there. I had internal bleeding in a bunch of places. My dad wanted me to be transported to a big hospital instead but their wasn't time.
I'm 32 now and I have back pain and a herniated disc. I'm pretty sure the crash caused that also. I also suffer from a lot of depression. My mom claims I was never sad before the crash, she thinks it somehow caused my depression. I'm not sure about that. Kinda doubt it. Sometimes I wish I'd have died on impact though. I mean I don't remember the actual crash so maybe before you hit your brain just blanks everything out and you feel nothing. I only felt pain after I came back conscious and the plane was at rest.