Ostrava, Czech Republic.
Vote for a livery for the new Stadler Tangos. The deadline is May 31st.
The Tangos will be ~25m long, with a capacity of 188 (61 seated). The first tram arriving in February 2018 with expected service beginning in August 2018.
(In Czech):
https://www.dpo.cz/aktuality/2444-anketa-nove-tram.html Poll:
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc4N8aj7DLEAhyK0qvE1l_cJWNi000Bg3dUfzgRlBLOdAslzg/viewform?c=0&w=1>Enter your email address, choose your favourite design, and suggest a name.