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I have pretty much decided the goal (porpoise?) of my life is to help my City as a City; in its quality of Being a city. I have researched several career options, Id like feedback to sort out retarded options from valuable choices:
>career (I know in english career means when you start working, here i mean the university studying and graduation time. Dunno how you say it) in Public Administration\ Government Administration
>Urban Planner. you need to be an Architect for this
>Civil engeneer
>administration of airports, flight control officer
>A.I. City management
of course I cant do ALL of these. 3 at most, within 8 years.
I can post more info, if requested or if my post wasn't clear. My biggest areas of interested are ecology, reducing traffic deaths and fighting child and teenage drug usage and crime involvement trough better neighborhoods, public services and basic infrastructure.