>>1359887>be me>somewhat of a big guy, been lifting for 5 years now>have done fasted cardio maybe 2-3 times in my life>can comfortable ride an hour at decent pace>decide to give fasted cardio another go, afterall it cant be as bad as I remember right ?>decide to go for a route with quite a few meters of elevation>instantregret.jpg>after 10min I am already fucking dying on the bike>to make up time descend like a madman only do continue dying on the next climb>this goes on for 45min and I am not that much slower than my usual pace but the effort seems so much more to do that>get home and feel like I am about to puke, no food in my stomach so I guess thats somethingAre some people just not made for fasted cardio ? Every time I do it my performance seems cut in half and I am suffering even 10min into doing it, and I mean actual suffering here that I would usually only have after riding hard for 45-60min or going on longer rides where I push it. I did drink quite a bit of water before starting the ride so dehydration shouldnt be the problem but going for a ride an hour or so after waking up on an empty stomach is fucking torture for me.