Quoted By:
>riding normal route (it's through a forestry area)
>see what looks to be a well packed dirt road
>decide to ride it (I'm on an aero road bike)
>everything is going fine for the first mile or so
>suddenly the well packed dirt isn't so well packed (it's the kind that hard on top then gives way to soft sand)
>about eat shit
>not sure if I should turn around or not, figure the road should loop soon
>keep pressing forward
>road gives way again
>actually eat shit
>can see on my GPS when this road should meet where I was just at (no actual road on GPS just the line)
>road ends up turning away
>walking my bike at this point
>keep pressing forward
>barely a path through the trees and it's all fucking sand
>see truck up ahead
>flag them down
>it turns out to be fish and wildlife or some shit
>explain what happened
>ask then how I get back to main road
>they give me directions, while stressing that I absolutely do not miss this cut through up ahead
>end up making it back to the road
>all in all ended up falling off my bike 2 times and walking it around 3 miles
>if I hadn't encountered that truck I would have ended up deeper in the woods and gone significantly further before making it back to the road