>>1868115About 15-20 years ago when we were teens, we'd do runs down pimple hill.
The goal was to go faster than the speed limit which was between 40-60km/h depending on the section.
It was named pimple hill because it would make your pimples explode from going so fast.
Bonus points for overtaking cars.
Most guys did it on shit tier chink bikes.
No helmet, not that a consoomer bicycle helmet would do much at those speeds.
Only saving grace was it was a wide one way traffic road, you'd quite literally have to be retarded to crash.
If someone faceplanted, they'd probably die, but at least they would've lived knowing they never rode a EUC dressed like a motocrosser.
>picrel was my upgrade for the pimple run, lol remember saving up for them after permafucking the ones that were on the bike