>>1476389>Grease on the threads, and don't overtighten.I know all about it man, when I worked in a shop, new very unironically nice steel and non steel gravelinos came back with siezed front alu axle or had problems with removing front thru axle to grease it from the factory.
Thank God one guy tried mounting tubeless first instead of catching a flat in middle of nowhere - service guy had to change the alu bolt since threads on the bolt were messed up. All was greased and torqued properly, noone had the idea how to prevent it siezing, they triy antisieze now but I double it will help - there is simply too much force and flex on threads of those tiny 15mm front thrus, this never happened on 20mm fronts with threads, but only fool proof solution are pinch bolts. Same with headsets that rely on pinch bolts as well, you rarely see a problem with them seizing.
tldr- avoid 15mm front thrus with threads like a plague