Coincidentally, Matt Farah of "TheSmokingTire podcast" just had on Selika Josiah Talbott, a renowned EV consultant and lawyer:>What are the the expected negative impacts to a given community that has a lithium mine?>Is it just the taking of the water or uh the poisoning of the water?>it is both um in places in South America where they literallyhave to displace the community um sort of filtering out the community they're not picking all up and going one place and in some of these communities they have very unique cultures yeah yeah
>very unique languages or dialects that will be lost>you're literally making a community extinct and we're like well environmental sustainabilityyes you don't understand the air quality in Los Angeles could be cleaner of course and your language isn't helping us clean
Good job guys, you're literally fucking memory holing ancient Incan culture/language for your stupid iced frappachino pyramid scheme of a transportation solution. Can you say *C O N F L I C T* *M I N E R A L S?