>>1457789>It's no surprise they don't want to adopt another type.Well yeah but look how Boeing's decision bit them in the ass. Software deals with this all the time, and it's very short sighted for a company to keep bending over backwards to preserve backwards compatibility. Eventually it fucks them over like how Windows is a steaming pile of shit now because they were trying to keep commonality with ancient DOS stupid shit. Now Linux has surpassed them and the next windows will unironically be a Linux distribution. And btw Linux executable from pretty far back (not sure exact version) still work, and they just use emulators for incompatible executables now anyway.
Anyway my point is that Boeing did something that looked good in the extreme short term but failed to recognize the long term shortcomings even though it should have been somewhat obvious. Look at how Airbus gambled on the long term but failed with the a380.
Also shouldn't there be a way to train pilots on a new UI without needing a complete type rating? Isn't this a problem with government Regulation? It probably required a bunch of fucking stupid fucking bullshit that wasnt actually important? Like imagine if boeing had simply built a FBW version of the 737 control, like a modified version of the 777 and 787 yoke based FBW? Wouldnt the only differences then be emergency procedures?