>>1063561Previous anon is right - you need the right bike (or at least the right equipment) for the job. A bike with a basket on the front is plenty if you just need to pick up a bottle of wine, loaf of bread, and some small ingredients for dinner. If you live like I do and cook everyday and host dinners for groups of people at your house, something like a touring bike or at least a commuting bike with a rear rack and panniers or baskets becomes necessary (and maybe a trailer if you're going to haul lots of bulk stuff). Pic related is old, but I used this same setup a few weeks ago for a monster shopping trip - 25# sack of bread flour, plus four bottles of vin blanc, three whole chickens, sack of potatoes, lots of veggies, etc. - hauled it all home with nothing but a rear rack plus big panniers, and I live in a really hilly town.
If you don't have funds for a fancy setup, a basic cargo rack plus some bungee cords plus some empty cardboard boxes you get for the asking at the grocery can be used to carry a lot of stuff - I've carried plenty of thanksgiving turkeys home that way before I got my current setup dialed in, and once when I worked for a grocery store I used my basic rack plus bungee setup to deliver a 45# case of frozen cod fillets, so really, as long as you're creative about how you use it you can shlep a lot of foodstuffs without much investment in equipment.