>>1752783>The trim engines work at a variable speed, otherwise the AP would bounce the plane all over the place.screw you for having to make me actually pull the report and look this up
1. you're right the trim works at 2 speeds
2. your conclusions about that are OF COURSE wrong, this has nothing to do with autopilot control, as the rate changes with the autopilot either on or off (i.e.) the autopilot doesn't matter
>The ethiopian crew struggled with mcas using electric pitch trim until 5:40:452 entire minutes, they had a trim runaway for 2 entire minutes
>at which point the trim motors were disabled because trim doesn't change even when comanded to.it took them 2 entire minutes to counter a runaway trim condition, a procedure that they're supposed to have committed to memory, and which is disabled with 2 buttons
2 entire minutes
while the speed was going out of control
>Instead of turning the trim by hand from this point on until the end of the flight (which would have saved them) they just keep pulling the control collumnnone of what you describe here is the procedure for trim runaway.... that's why they die
>until 5:43:00, at which point the crew try to turn autopilot back on, and that requires the trim motors.anon you're shilling for a crew that's faced with a flight control problem, the left stick shaker (stall indicator) has been going continuously, and the arispeed is out of control with climb power left on while in level flight
...and their big brain idea is to try turning the autopilot on to see if that fixes it
... and you're fucking defending this...
>All seems wellare you kidding me? "All seems well" come on dude
>until mcas is activated again 15 seconds later,because the procedure that should have begun seconds after the control problem was instead delayed for 2 minutes, then REVERSED allowing the problem to repeat while the airplane was already out of control
and you have the balls to blame trim cutout as the cause (comment to long)