>>1268858>>1268859keep on crying little doggy.. or are you going to bite?
that's what i thought.. elon PROVES that CAPITALSIM can and will get to new worlds
without socialism or statism
you can clutch your pearls about how al gore invented the internet but we all know that railroads were built by TYCOONS and the same is going to be said 200 years from now about the colonies on mars
bark little doggy!!! enjoy the coffin the state built for yoU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if anything the state just slowed down innovation because it's prudent for capitalists to mine asteroids.. only thing that makes the costs so high is the bullshit safety fees which are just extortion protection rackets.. same with the internet and just because some over funded bureau comes up with an idea that doesnt mean shit because it is CAPITALISTS who actually build the damn thing and the state inhibits privatization because they know that they are worhtless and they have to use regulation to make sure they can get their beaks wet in the industry
all the state and socialism are good at is raising the cost of living so you go crawling on your knees to the welfare office and putting nonviolent people in cages and creating terorrists even though people like you are really the biggest terrorists of all! bahahahahhahahahhahahahah (breaths in) ahahhahahahhhah