Quoted By:
>Be me, relatively new to club
>Want to do cool stuff to help club
>Someone suggests I become car department chairman
>Yea ok
>Doing anything myself isn't mandatory, but no one else will do it so I fix club cars and make sure they properly tagged
>One day one member has like 15 cars pop up bad order
>Have an actual fruit crate full of his shit that needs fixing
>Is not club's problem to fix all this fucking shit
>Ask him nicely (for srs) to fix his stuff cuz I was told to delegate workloads when needed
>He gets major buttmad and pulls all his freight cars out of club ops pool
>Literally like 400 cars
>Now at the center of a shitstorm in our ops pool
>Now is my chance to shine by lending in a bunch of my personal cars, loads, and building club-owned kits to fill the holes
>Now hosting a load-building clinic in two weeks
This has been a fucking weird ride, but I'm now doing R&D on adding rare earth magnets to car loads so that we can maintain a pool of flat/gon loads which can be swapped around as needed.