>>1386641I really want to ride your blue nishiki, the cockpit geometry looks perfect for city cruisebombing
>>1386650nice wheels,, challenge tubulars are great but get used to pumping if youre ridings tubs daily
and plug your bar ends ;)
>>1386657that centurion +1
>>1386712very nice tourer, one of the nicest I've seen
>>1386756I dig it
>>1386765Magura hydraulic brakes for the rocky MTN
>>1386821nice dangle
>>1386849based Dolan, UK?
>>1386861monster cross a 90s hybrid or skinny tyre a hardtail they are both powerful builds
>>1386864somebody left one of these (not as tarted up as yours) in my back garden for two weeks once, I was about to do something with it but then it disappeared again