>>1577769Yes, this is the announcement press release 2 years ago
https://www.jreast.co.jp/press/2018/20181202.pdfWho knows when it will be actually implemented. 2020 was a mess for development everywhere.
>>1577828It's a semi-automatic push-button GoA 2 ATO like in Tokyo Metro. GoA 2 ATO still needs an attendant to operate the door and start the train, and there is no way JR East would implement fully automated GoA 3 or 4 on very crowded line like that.
>>1577928Isn't that just a spec sheet for the E235 series? From what i understand, the series is built to be"ATACS ready" so it will be easier to implement ATACS on future. Even E235-1000 that replaces E217 still uses ATS-P/Sn for safety device. Most plans of ATS/ATC > ATACS replacement that I know was on long range suburban lines though, I haven't heard any official plans to replace Yamanote line signalling with ATACS. Maybe someone can elaborate?