>>1540830Thanks anon. Unfortunately, I swung by the LBS that had a listing for the Argon 18 online, they seem to have gone out of business. Voicemail is also full so I can't even leave a message to confirm if they have it in storage somewhere and can sell it to me. Probably not worth trying to buy through their online store only to have my money stuck in limbo and having to do a chargeback.
Called another LBS about the Aria, but they have none in stock and earliest they can get them is October, and that's a maybe. Guy tried to sell me a Sprint but even those won't arrive for another couple of weeks, and I don't like the Sprint as much as the Aria anyway. He tried to sell me an Oltre as well but not sure I want to spend that much on my first road bike.
What do now? Gamble on buying an Aria online? Is it still worth buying a bike this late into the year (NY metro area)? My goal is to do a gran fondo next year, secondary goal is to dabble in crits. Am I better served buying a cheaper bike for now and spending the difference on an indoor trainer/power meter/cyclocomputer?