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>be 18 /fit/ asf
>get bored and buy a BMX cuz I wanna do Red Bull jump shit
>buy wally world POS and can't even bunny hop. Ride it down a dirt mound. Feels fun, bike doesnt like it tho.
>Leave bike at friends house, get it stolen cuz they leave it outside. Sad that I don't have a bike anymore. Around this time KevCentral was starting up and he did a review on some walmart hardtail called the Huffy Nighthawk. Got it at Walmart for 120$
>realize this bike is more capable than the BMX
>Start learning about gearing and shit, watch RJ and Gay Mountain Boyz Network.
>Realize my bike is a POS but have fun nonetheless.
>Realize I need dick brakes for proper mountain biking
>walmart shit has threaded stem fork and only 1 front cock stopping utensil. Rear has v brakes. Fork has like 40mm of travel.
>Upgrade time, go to bike shop. Too expensive for me at the time. Go to craigslist. Some guy is selling a Jamis Komodo 1. 130mm of travel, good geometry and peenor brakes front & rear. Buy for 300$.
>enjoy and abuse the bike for a good while. Learn how to sorta dirt jump.
>wanna do more rekless shit. Around this time Spider Mountain opens up. My little Jamis is a 26er hardtail with not the best gearing as it was a ghetto 1x8. Also clamped seatpost so rock gardens and drops were tough on me.
>Once again we gotta upgrade. Gay Mountain Guys said airforks and thru axles are the way to go. Still poverty gang and can't afford full suspension shit but my /fit/ gains allow me to take the abuse from the hardtail.
>Looking at "HARDCORE HARDTAILS" as an option. Figure out I need juan. Now to find a cheap "HARDCORE HARDTAIL".
>SkillsWithPhil made a video on the raleigh tokul 3. He took it downhill and did flipplies. Bike proves to be capable. And it's budget friendly
>Still deal with small bike for a bit longer. One dropout on the Jamis got fucked. Rim comes out when shifting under load or just peddling. Covert it from QR to bolt on. Not great but works.