I'm tired of my rent eating most of what I earn. When my lease is up I'm strongly considering going innavan. I want a stealth setup. It's between something like this beauty or a suburban or soccer mom van. They're extremely common vehicles here, I figured I could park streetside in any neighborhood and be comfy. I also wanted to put a bike rack on it and continue bike commuting for everyday needs to keep the miles off my van. If I can get a back mounted bike rack and put one of those sports storage boxes on top that would be a fantastic setup. I'm just really fucking tired of paying rent.
How do suburbans and minivans do for /out/ purposes? And innavanners, where do you park? I need to hold a job so it has to be near civilization. I only ever slept innacar on highway 1 in commiefornia for vacationing, and it was hard to find a spot that wasn't barred off after dark.
>>993366This. cheap gym membership for showers, shit wherever (business, woods, whatever.) Pissjug if you're stealthing or tree if you're /out/. Bonus if you can park somewhere you can leech wifi from.
>>992504There's not. I've checked it. Reddit is cancerous and shit and that sub is dead.
>>1000138Seriously. Rent is ridiculous and it's just gonna get more ridiculous. Meanwhile wages are stagnating or outright dropping and there are fewer jobs. I have one job but the rent eats almost all of what I make... And for what, this shitty apartment? Fuck this.
>>1017182Do people ever call the cops on you? Can you take it innamountains for /out/ing? Space wise a workvan would be better, but they're just so conspicuous.