>>1198348I live 50km from the closest city in a village with less than 100 people. I have been riding my grandmothers old bike for 7 years. It's an old made in Sweden "Trim Lyx" from the late 40's to 50's. I have with love used the bike for transportation and have never been interested in bike trends and hipster bullshit before therefore I started the thread to get some infos now when I'm finally buying a bike. The Trimlyx is rusty and heavily worn and it's time of service is over now. I'm looking to buy a new bike that will hopefully have same quality and with maintenance last until I die. BTW you called me fucking lazy, then come and talk about wielding a frame as if you know what you talk about. Have you ever repaired anything in your life? Please tell your imaginary scenario how the damage requiring wielding would happen.
Is it really that bad with modern bikes or did you just talk without knowing?