>>1770503Okay I happen to know a bit about why, and this could be long.
Let's look at a few places that have at least done what we've asked, and tried to re-institute "Regional Rail," like the interurbans used to run.
SEPTA and NJTransit, respectively.
For NJTransit, Case Study #1 it's the Lackawanna Cutoff.
Case Study #2, For SEPTA, it's the West Chester Line.
NJTransit's line basically was one of THE engineering marvels of its day. People died building it, but 28.6 miles was finished in 3 years (1909-1911), at a cost of $11,065,512, or in today's dollars, $334,881,996.01. Keep track of that figure, it'll become relevant. They built a few freight houses and stations, most of them rural but constructed in style. The cuts and the world's biggest fill were all done, track laid down, stations built, and in the process some of the world's biggest concrete bridges (Paulinskill Viaduct- worth an image search just to get how massive this thing is). This was done with steam shovels and dynamite.
NJTransit got it in their heads to try and restore it, of all their lines for some reason despite it not having much utility until it reaches Scranton, Pennsylvania. Perhaps they had some idea of a deal with PA to update their end of the line, or maybe some construction contractor needed a deal from then-Governor Chris Christie.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lackawanna_Cut-OffThis has a short summary and "main article," but the main article is cucked. The main takeaway is that the restoration has progressed exactly ONE MILE.
Here's the Photographer/Historian who's got a youtube channel (I won't denigrate him by calling him a 'YouTuber,')
https://www.youtube.com/c/LackawannaCutOffand Armchair Urbanist, if YouTubers are more your style and you enjoy IPAs.