I skipped posting for a bit, because the next thing I did was file down the crown lug/steerer tube so I could fit 700x28s. (I do NOT have a filing fetish.)
And fit parts, once they came in the mail. Most are good, but the saddle feels like it's going to break my ass before I break it in.
And these MKS Gordito pedals aren't quite right. The way the casting for the spindle housing feels underfoot, slightly too sharp a transition under the ball of my foot. And I can't remember the last time I had a pair of MKS pedals come in needing bearing adjustment. Usually they're spot on.
I quite like diagonal/Power Grips style straps, but with such a large pedal platform, it's pretty goofy. I'll make a pair of horizonal straps (YNOT, etc) to test, but it's likely I'll switch back to a pair of 'old faithful', MKS Sylvan Touring Next.
>>1851642What's up with the bars? That style is comfortable for you, just trying them out, etc?
>>1851648I also do moto-style brakes, so I understand the issue with the 'handedness' of the caliper housing stop. But more than half of your funkiness is coming from those trekking bars.
PS do not identify me, Blade Runner style, via the reflection in the headset.
>>1851969>is that normal?In general, no. They bend easily, but shouldn't be loose. A pic is worth 1000 words tho.