Quoted By:
>left turning intersections always scared the shit out of me
>could never figure out the best way to corss them becasue that meant crossing two lanes of traffic to get into the turn lane
>was scared to go straight across and wait for traffic light to change becasue I would be in the road or have to do some awkward maneuver
>dawned on me yesterday that I should just:
>wait in the bike lane for both turn arrows to
turn green on each side, while straight is
>go from the bike lane, in front of the stopped
straight traffic and meet up on the outside
with the turning traffic
>Tried it yesterday and it worked flawlessly
>This avoids trying to cross to the turn lane and any awkward maneuvers
>I've been biking for 3 years and these types of intersection turns I've always avoided or routed around them
I feel like a whole new set of paths have opened to me.