Quoted By:
>be me, bike commuter
>most cycling lanes around my place are in impractical and/or dangerous places (usually sidewalks), most of them were clearly placed to accommodate car users
>constantly get honked at by carfags over the smallest slight, like stopping before turning left to let oncoming cars pass or climbing the plateau of my university's IT building by the road (only way up other than bus)
>witness the constant bitching of carfags online about how cyclists "break traffic laws"
>mfw I see cars doing worse than anything I've ever read about bikes at least once a week and tamer infractions daily
>be omw to uni
>stop at red light
>bitch in a car is way past the bike line
>barely any non-dangerous space for me to be
>already pissed because aforementioned plateau incident happened yesterday
>shout "why the fuck are you past the bike line?"
>light goes green
>bitch starts her car
>she won't get away that easily
>luckily, my commute to uni is a slope
>keep sight of her until the town centre
>catch up when she stops at a crossing
>get right next to her window and shout "what the fuck were you doing past the bike line?" again
>mfw she ignores me and starts her car before I could grab her door handle and shake it
I hope this bitch has a mental breakdown.