>>1456675also look at how in supposedly "more stable" democratic socialist countries THE POLICE SURVEILLANCE STATE IS GROWING THEIR AUTHORITARIAN VIOLENCE AND RELATIVE PUBLIC SECTOR?!?!?!
The EU is literally becoming China as we speak. Soon they will start revealing people's 4chan posting history online and they will be cut off from banks and power companies and internet in total, just like social credit system in China.
Soon the EU will implement an upload filter and a "porn ban" where you will have to use a VPN hack to get out of their great firewall JUST LIKE IF YOU LIVED IN CHINA. This is late stage socialism reverting to an authoritarian police state mean. And government NEVER SHRINK.
Have you worked in government???? I have known people in supposedly "non corrupt" government and the whole game they play is NEVER ASKING THEIR SUPERIORS FOR LESS MONEY, because that would make their careers shittier. SO what you see is at the end of the year they spend a bunch of money on frivolous shit. The story i heard was of buying 60k worth of computers just to put into a closet and not use so they didn't underspend?!?!
There is NEVER ENOUGH, of anything, especially power!!!! It's human nature to WANT MORE! Better that you have private individuals gaining power rather than GOVERNMENT MONSTROSITIES. At least you have some possibility of consenting to opt out of corporate jobs or services.. BUT IT'S MUCH HARDER TO ESCAPE GOVERNMENT! When in history has a government just decided, oh whoops we grew too much police state shit better turn it down a notch? It's rare and usually takes some violent circumstance to lead up to it. I can't believe you are actually so spoiled that you would rather have LESS ECONOMIC GROWTH and put MORE POWER in the hands of the BOOMER ELITE like Merkel and her MAFIA OF SOCIALISTS!!!!!!
I know it's hard to compete sometimes, but you are better off getting a new job if you don't like your situation. You can't as easily just get a new government.