>>980869>That guy broke the law cause he is an asshole - well then I am going to break the law and be an asshole too cause that asshole is also breaking the law. Didn't advocate breaking the law, a lot of us here aren't. I just take offense to our anger as 'baby' behavior.
>A car parked in the bike lane isn't a threat to your life unless they pull in suddenly and cause you to crash. It is. There's a great number of drivers who don't like seeing bikes in the street, and it sends them into maximum autism when they see a bike lane there. They think you're supposed to be only there.
It wouldn't matter if I mad someone mad, especially when they're dumb and wrong, but you give them the anonymity of a car, which also gives them the ability to kill me and get away, yeah, it becomes a problem for me. I've had people try and hit me with their, or at the very least, try and scare me with it.
>Just slow down, wait a second and go around like 99% of everyone. If one of these autismos happens to be out on the road at that time, I can all but guarantee you that they will no wait, they'll pass both me and the car I'm passing at an unsafe distance.
This happens quite often when I'm making a left onto my home street, and instead of waiting behind me as they would another car, no problem, they buzz very close and lay on their horns. (And we don't even have bikes lanes around here.)
>If you can't handle this type of stuff maybe you are not confident and skilled enough to handle riding in traffYou know what? No. I see this argument quite a bit here.
People who almost back into me in parking lots, while I'm driving, can go fuck themselves just as hard. I've never been hit this way, because I'm a good driver, and a good observer. But that doesn't change the fact that those people are clueless cunts or don't give a single fuck about the safety of anyone else but themselves.