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The unracer movement is basically just a physical manifestation of the guilt and self-loathing that a casual cyclist feels when they read a facebook boomer rant about "the innercity DUI MAMIL lance armstrong wannabes in their lycra who can't even afford a car so they buy a $5000 racing bike to play in traffic between their luxury avocado condo and the soup kitchen where they beg for obamaphones because they don't even have real jobs because they are poor from working at those tech companies"
They spend most of their waking hours trying to figure out the costume that will make them more appealing to reactionary facebook boomers. What they desperately, desperately want to hear is the phrase: "you're one of the good ones", preferably shouted from a doddering greyhead at a stop light. They have a deep NEED to be told that they're acceptable, that they're not "cyclists". They're hoping to become the Candace Owens of the cycling community.