Minor changes, it had aero bars before (they were lying around when I built it) and I'd occasionally tag the bars with my knees on the steepest climbs around here -- fit non aero bars and recable the thing. Two years since buld, recabling was a nice improvement on something that had imperceptibly gone downhill over a couple of years, that new bike feel once again.
The tape was a mistake -- the pattern is cool but it's shiny and a bit slippy for sweaty flesh, maybe not the thing for a neverending summer motif, onwards.
>>1845873Neat. well sprung and snow white tan though... maybe the red bottle cage...?
>>1845872>>1846097Unusual but like!
>>1846168Top kit.
>>1846610I don't understand it bit I like it.
>>1846784Down that hiln no bottling allowed.
>>1846795Skinwall nashi but neat.
>>1846995Unlimited potential!
>>1847273Holy cable condom excess Batman.
>>1847465Laid back.
>>1847974Nice, love the bidon.
>>1847983Nah, go single speed, much more sensible.
>>1848582Celestial. Love the colour scheme.
Olde Skool pump mounts, is the top tube supposed to look, er, "not straight"?