>>1933115you're responding to a third worlder who doesn't know that the payscales (and work rules) for Frontier, Spirit etc. are better than Emirates
As for your questions, Sport/Recreational pilot are worthless so don't even bother.
Private costs about $10-15k all said and done, you need to get a medical certificate (assuming you aren't fucked up) which takes a couple weeks to get on the schedule and then get the certificate approved. Go to the nearest airport to you and ask for a discovery flight, it should cost you about $200 and you can meet some instructors and get a feel for the plane.
Most airplane rentals are going to be about $150 an hour, you need an absolute minimum of 40 hours in the plane to take the private checkride but the average is around 75. Instructors are somewhere from $50-75 an hour and they need to be in the plane for all but about 15 hours that you do solo. This will take about a year. In the meantime, go to Sportys, King Schools, or Rod Machado and do the Private Ground School which will teach you everything on the written test. You need to get 70% or better to pass, the test costs about $150 and you need to have a certificate from a ground school (or an endorsement from an instructor) to take the exam, and then they will give you a report that tells you a code for exactly what you got wrong, which is all the stuff the examiner will pick on you for the checkride