>>1526072>Do any other planes flex like that at what I'm guessing is takeoff or is that just an effect of the composites they useno because boeing relies on software anti-flutter
if you lose computers the wing will shake itself apart
https://arc.aiaa.org/doi/pdf/10.2514/1.C034442>Aircraft Active Flutter Suppression: State of the Artand Technology Maturation Needs
>An interesting case of such an interaction was described in [135], where a maneuver load control system on one of the Boeing 787 models in flight tests responded to the maneuver acceleration that drove it by getting the airplane into oscillation due to an interaction with one of the fuselage’s modes. The need of all active control systems on an airplane to work in harmony without interfering with each other’s functions and without leading to dangerous interactions must be met and demonstrated by design and tests. Moreover, any design of an active aeroelastic system, if flight critical, must be supported by comprehensive uncertainty and reliability analyses and tests to guarantee the safety of the system.https://elib.dlr.de/126737/1/fluttercontrol.pdf>Structured Control Design for a Highly FlexibleFlutter Demonstrator