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Hey /gag/
I just finished up a part 141 IFR course over 8 months and about 70 hours in total. Does that sound about par for the course? I tried to fly 3+ days a week and A lot of the delays came with the stage checks, sometimes a few weeks of waiting.
I have been on the fence about the flight school. I like my instructor, but they charge an extra half hour instruction to whatever the hobbs is for “preflight/ post flight debrief” which seems fair to me most of the time.
It’s a small school, but the owner is the DPE and the fail rate is extremely low. When I had my ride with him it was definitely by the book, so I don’t think he’s being shady.
I mainly want to stick with them because it seems like a good place to work as a CFI. They did talk to me about my weight if I wanted to instruct there (I'm 280) and I get it, but other people/friends thought it was overstepping.
My instructor gave me a rundown of the part 61 CPL training and it seems he wants to teach maneuvers while on cross countries to a nearby airports to build time for me. But would it be better to just do xcountries on my own and then go with him for the lessons? I need about 30 hours of xcountry and overall 70 hours to cpl minimums.