>>1676606Unfortunately because of the renewable lobby's success, any money that goes towards improving the grid goes to hideously expensive enviromeme shit like wind and solar that isn't able to adequately improve base load, while nuclear capacity isn't being expanded. Meanwhile, coal usage is being aggressively curtailed and natural gas hasn't quite taken up the slack. This is why the California and Texas grids are a mess.
>>1676803Yeah, every time I go out, I see empty charging stations all over the fucking place. Nobody aside from smug yuppies wants EVs. I expect most of the goverments who are demanding everything be electric by 2030 or 2035 to walk that shit back in a year or two as car companies lose billions on EV development and come begging for handouts.
It would be nice if we could have smarter city design, less reliance on packaged goods delivered to people via globalized logistics chains, and other such things, but people don't want that either. Ultimately the only good solution might just be to euthanize or sterilize 95% of the population.