>>1351052theres gotta be a right way to put them in though right? I know it wont affect the performance at all but if it affects the strength or durability of it, I want to know i put them in right. I see how its oriented with the stock lower pulley (red) so ill copy that, im assuming the top pulley would go in the opposite direction (blue)?
basically these kcnc pulleys I bought dont look super durable and i dont want my derailleur breaking because of something that takes 5 minutes to confirm
>>1351053Well shit i went to a park that was hosting a race a week ago and there was a commencal booth but i wasnt sure if they were doing anything as a company or if they just had a race tent up for their team so i didnt say anything. I guess ill just hang around a few websites and wait until they post a demo day somewhere thats not 800 fucking miles away