>>1351728> In 2000, a group of bicycle patrol officers in Long Beach, suspecting that bike-riding was causing sexual problems, contacted Steven Schrader, a reproductive health expert at the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health in Cincinnati. Schrader studied the bike cops and reported in the Journal of Andrology in 2002 thatAlthough None Of The Men Were Impotent, They Had Decreased Erectile Quality And Genital Numbness Compared With Nonbiking Officers.
> Decreased Erectile Quality> Decreased Erectile Quality> Decreased Erectile Quality "a place that was never designed to support a person's weight,"
>As with many other cyclists' seats, the nose of the officers' bike saddles exerted excessive pressure on the perineum, the region between the anus and the external genitals, "a place that was never designed to support a person's weight," Schrader wrote. Such pressure is widely believed to be the source of some cyclists' erectile problems, damaging the arteries that supply blood to the penis and the nerves that connect to the penis.