Quoted By:
>live in nice austrian mountain valley
>only occasional hikers and proper cyclists used to come by
>sporty, well-educated, nice people
>mostly Austrians from the city or Bavarians, some Dutch
suddenly e-bikes hit and the roads have become accesible to fatsos
>huge influx of fat tourists
>continous rows of them come by my place in the summer
> unsporty, obnoxious people, unexperienced in riding a bike in insuitable attire, barely working out
> they look fucking retarded: lobsided helmets, saddle way too low, > spinning/grinding like a madman, fat tyres
>swerving too the middle of the road when they look behind them as they spot a car
>proper retard-fest
Yeah it's good for local tourism and I suppose more people cycling is a good thing but holy fuck this place is turning into mickey mouse fucking disneyland and i despise them with their fat-antics and their fat-children and their fat fucking disgusting lives
All the good places where one could get a schnapps with the local farmers and eat a good Tyrolean meal are either dying out or pandering to these people.