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Can ya'll help me log my flight correctly?
>1. Background
I'm building PIC XC time for my instrument rating. I still need like twelve hours. I followed a magenta line to nowheresville once, and it sucked, and I'm not doing it again.
>2. The Flight
So: enter today. I wanna build some cross-country time so I reserve the only plane that's available: the Widowmaker '38 (pictured). nobody else will reserve this plane, especially not for XC, so that's perfect for me. I decide to go to Galveston, which is exactly 50.1 nm from Bumfucksville, TX. (I'm dead set on going to Galveston because of the Dads song "Get to the Beach," which is about getting to the beach.)
>3. "Unexpected situation"
On my way to Galveston (with flight following) Nico calls me up and asks if I want to go bowling. Nico lives in Palestine, TX, which is only like 33.333 [repeating] nautical miles from Bumfucksville. So I say, sure, let's go bowling. Except we don't go bowling, we actually end up flying an SR-71. It costed me like $350 for one hour, and it's in my logbook and everything. Nico wouldn't even let me use more than 9000" of manifold pressure, that's how cheap he was!
>4. Digression
But i digress. After our bowling sesh, I continue on my way to Galveston, and tire rubber briefly contacts runway pavement. Given my goth complexion, this already exceeds thrice my daily recommended serving of beach. I decide to head for home immediately. Due to the 'ball game, Houston approach routes me the long way around. I fly at 80 mph with my elbow out the window the whole time. This way, I ended up with 2.5 hours on the Hobbs!
>5. tl;dr
So if I flew 30 nm to a flying lesson, then I flew 21 nm to the beach, then I flew 51 nm back to the original point of departure, I can log the whole thing as one XC flight, right? RIGHT? It's still one flight even if I stop to grab lunch, right? (I'm clearly just demanding validation here.)