>>1450522>All the ills in this thread are 100% on uncontrolled capitalism.So how is it the market's fault that literal democrats have pushed for stricter housing regs, more litigious civil law (literal burglars suing home owners,) and licenses that totally disincentivized slum lords, which are the most reliable way to house low income people?
>The market hates you and you don’t see it. The market provides more reliable opportunity than some irrational corporate crony socialist that will kick you off their welfare program for innocuous shit and will deny you admission to their education program because you dont interview well and don't uphold corporate crony socialist values and aesthetics.
Meanwhile the market reliably provides you with a job when you need it, a place to sell your warez, a place to gamble if you want, a place to invest, and a mechanism for drastically reducing the cost of EVERYTHING, including the computer you are reading this on. Only because of markets can homeless people afford smart phones and the working class be able to use computers to become part of the intelligentsia.
In fact I think Marx would be a capitalist if he were alive as MARKETS have put the most powerful means of production into every single human beings' hands, the computer.
I think you just misguidedly tried to impose your will on a market at some point and got burnt. That doesnt mean it's literally out to get you. You're just going against the flow of a river.. no wonder it drowns you.