>>1516894this easily
LBS-tier design and manufacturing
sensible geometry (not poser tarck)
head tube angle and rake are a touch on the slacker side for increased stability, some track bikes are like this, some are twitchier, it's personal preference, if you think it's too stable try countersteering more
there are some cheaper bikes with kinda the same tubing and seatpost but there are many differences in the design (some have ridiculous design flaws like you can't slam the wheel forward into the seat tube cutout and the track ends are angled inward by design) and the welds and fork etc
i had a nightmare experience with a cheaper brand, too many issues to describe them properly, mainly that the frame was severely misaligned, and the brainlet selling them said he couldn't see anything wrong with it, luckily i got my money back
some people are put off by the proprietary looking seatpost but you can get spares and it will probably outlive the frame anyway