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Self driving cars with electric drive-trains along with smart ride share apps will make following things obsolete:
>parking space affecting housing price
>dense zoning
>traffic jams
>fixed route bus traffic
>at grade light rail
>long range trains
>high speed rail (will be converted to hyperloop)
>cycle commuting
>car culture
Oh, now that we are at that - when the finance supervision advances to the point where every bill can be tracked, and the last tax haven open - that will have fun consequences too.
There has been some seething but there ought to be more - this _will_ be the next societal revolution - there should be far more seething.
If there is any silver lining, it's that the transition may be relatively long, 20-40 years with the natural life-cycle of the cage and transport authorities collapsing or contracting heavily. May be European cities continue to provide excellent public ride hail services along with some hing demand routes operating on fixed schedule using fixed stops, homelessness not being as a widespread problem as in some other *cough* 1st word countries.