>>1483846>>1483853>crimewhich is of course code for black people
they deny it today but i remember when my parents lived down there, that was literally the reasoning many held for opposing the blue line, as though bus service was somehow different
ballantyne might also someday see the blue line come down to it, but i dont see that getting high usage due to the main area they want to serve being a victim of parking minimums (the 43 bus route only has 30 minute intervals during peak hours)
this whole county is pretty fucked. a victim of sprawl. only places inside i277 and the old streetcar towns like dilworth have good transit (15 minutes on-peak bus intervals is "good" for us)
i doubt this place will ever get a proper metro or commuter rail unless a miracle happens in raleigh. its a wonder that the state hasnt pulled all funding for amtrak's routes