>>1964796>even their customersKek, now I remember Gerry, a Yorkshire Traction driver who would be assigned to my school bus once in a while.
>lived on a busy main road >fortunate enough to have a bus stop out the front of the house next door and one on the other side of the road>the bus to high school (and middle school before that) goes up the main road past my house into the nearest village before coming back the other way to go to the school>been catching buses there without issue since I was 10>then Gerry appeared.>Gerry was in his 50's and had that sort of smug pinched-in face and air of undeserved self-confident superiority peculiar to socially inept people who have been friendless most of their lives without realising the problem is with themselves>whenever Gerry was the assigned driver, he would not stop for me>I'd cross the extremely busy and dangerous main road to the other stop and he'd pick me up on the way back>et tu, Gerry?>"that is not one of the assigned stops for the route, we do not stop anywhere that isn't on the route manifest">but I'm a student at the school Gerry. This is a schoolbus. None of the other drivers have ever raised this as a problem.>"cross the road then">I'd rather not get run over>"not my problem">this happens several times over the next few months but he's assigned infrequently enough that I put up with it>until one day he's got the afternoon bus>Gerry never gets the afternoon bus>my stop is coming up so I ring the bell>he drives right past my house>I start yelling at him to stop the bus>other people start yelling at him>that autistic fuckwit refuses to stop at any of the "unassigned" stops until we get into the village a mile away>friend says his mum'll drive me home. She's shocked when I tell her the story and says she's going to complain to the school and the bus company.