Quoted By:
To the tune of “Glory Glory Hallelujah”
(Verse 1):
Richard Russell’s body lies a-crispy in the woods
He asked to be a pilot but they said he never would
So he took a plane from SeaTac just to show them that he could
He ain’t gotta load no more
Glory Glory hallelujah
Glory Glory hallelujah
Glory Glory hallelujah
He ain’t gotta load no more
(Verse 2)
When they asked him why he said I just wanted to fly
When they offered him a job he laughed “ha I’m just a white guy”
And so he went ‘n did some sick barrel rolls in the sky
He ain’t gotta work no more
(Chorus 2):
Glory Glory hallelujah
Glory Glory hallelujah
Glory Glory hallelujah
He ain’t gotta work no more
(Verse 3):
I wish you could have been there it was really quite the sight
I wish I could’ve wit-e-nessed his legendary flight
But I know he smiles upon us flanked by godly light
He ain’t gotta feel no more
(A Tempo)
(Chorus 3):
Glory Glory hallelujah
Glory Glory hallelujah
Glory Glory hallelujah
He ain’t gotta feel no more
Skyking Skyking hallelujah
Skyking Skyking hallelujah
Skyking Skyking hallelujah
(Slowing, grandiose)
His soul keeps flying on